MR. D. M. COWAN'S CANDIDATURE • [To the Editor of
Sin,—In your issue of June 15th your report of the result of the polling for the Scottish Universities' constituency does not do justice to Mr. Cowan, the Liberal member. Your report states that the figures of the second count were as follow :-
Mr. John Buchan (Unionist) 9,959
Sir George Berry (Unionist) .. 9,262 Mr. D. M. Cowan (Liberal).. 6,698 Dr. J. Kerr (Labour) .. .. 2,867
This is not correct. At no point in the counting had Mr. Buchan 9,959 votes and Sir George Berry 9262 votes simul- taneously-.
A fair report of the polling would be :—
Mr. Buchan .. .. 9,959
Mr. Cowan .. . 6,698 (both elected on the first count).
Sir George Berry .. .. 5,755 Dr. Kerr .. .. 2,691 Quota, 6,276.
Second Count.
(Transfer of Mr. Buchan's surplus.) Sir George Berry (elected on second count) 9,292 Dr. Kerr .. .. 2,867 (Election Agent for Mr. Cowan).
82 West Regent Street, Glasgow.
[This may interest our readers as an instance of the working of one form of P.R. We meant, of course, after the second count.—ED. Spectator.]