Appointed Guardians The new powers at the Ministry of Health
have made a compromise between their pledges given in 1926 when the Board of Guardians (Default) Act was passed, and the necessity imposed by the Local Government Act of 1929. By the latter Act elected guardians will cease to exist in all unions, including West Ham, Chester-le-Street, and Bedwellty. In these three unions the elected guardians had to be swept aside in 1926. Until the berating Act comes into force on April 1st next there will be new `c_appointed " -guardians, nominated by the local authorities, superseding the present guardians. Of the three unions, we know most about West Ham, but what may be said of West Ham applies to the other unions. It would show monstrous ingratitude to Sir Alfred Woodgate and his colleagues if they are dismissed, for political reasons, without recognition of the great and beneficent work of these " appointed " guardians.