Some Books of the Week
Duamin the past month the books most in demand at the Times Book Club have been :.—
Ficrionr.—AU Quiet on the Western Front, by E. M. Remarque, is still the book most in demand by book buyers and borrowers ; A Background for Caroline, by Helen Ashton ; The Galaxy, by - Susan Ertz ; War, by Ludwig Henn ; Bretherlon, by W. F. Morris • Brothers and Sisters, by I. Compton Burnett ; The Disinherited, by Milton Waldman.
NoN-Fieriox.—Harriette Wilson's Memoirs • Child of the Deep, by Joan Lowell; of Arc, by Hilaire Belloc ; Walsey, by A. F. Polard ; Sybil Thorndike, by Russell Thorndike ; That Capri Air, by Edwin Cerio ; Napoleon the Third, by E. B. D' Auvergne.
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