Professor Macgregor, who is a Presbyterian divine, has reprinted in
Eucharistic Origins (James Clarke and Co. Os.) his Bruce Lectures for 1928 ; adding to them half a Co., chapters to Complete the survey of New Testament Kacramen- talism. Though he has not much that is new to contribute to the discussions surrounding this difficult subject, students of theology will find his little book a useful guide to the most recent literature ; and an admirable summary of the present state of research. Even those least inclined to the author's point of view will be interested and enlightened by his care- fully marshalled facts and parallels. Whilst holding that the whole thought and intention of Jesus was symbolic rather than sacramental in the full sense, the Professor insists that the value which the Church has always found in her sacraments is in harmony with New Testament experience and teaching ; and finally comes to rest in the phrase coined by Dr. Gardner for the Johannine doctrine—" pure spirituality humanized."
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