The Columbus Regional Geographies : Book 1, Children of Many
Lands (1s. 6d.) ; Book 2, Many Things from Many Lands (1s. 7d.) ; Book 3, Round the World (2s.)Book 4, The British Isles (2s.), by Leonard Brooks and Robert Finch (University of London Press, ls. 6d.). These are the first four books of a series which will eventually comprise eight volumes. They are for children between the ages of seven and eleven, are well illustrated (especially the colour pictures), simple in style and descriptive in treatment. Perhaps they are rather too simple. Describing an Eskimo hut, the authors tell us, "White Fsgle's wife cooks us a good meal." "What of?" the intelligent child Would ask. As to trapping, we feel that some condemnation, however cautious, would not have been out of place. All we are told is that " we do not like to see the poor creatures in the traps, even if they are dead." In another volume we are told that we may only take 40 lbs. of baggage when flying from Berlin to Moscow, which is incorrect.
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