The task of The Wag Tale is " to be cheerful,
to make others cheerful, and to help the Westminster Hospital." We have just received the first number of this optimistic magazine, which is to be published annually. The contributions, editing and canvassing for advertisements have been done voluntarily by friends of the Westminster Hospital. The result is quite unlike any magazine we have ever seen. There is an amusing article by a mythical " Aeroplane Health Specialist," giving his,
, we think, very sensible suggestions for treatment of an hour's special Aeroplane Air, 10,000 feet above sea level, every day for a month " ; " The Retort Parliamentary," by Michael MacDonagh, is excellent reading and many of the illustrations, as well as the advertisements, will cause a laugh. The Wag Tale, price 6d., is on sale at all newsagents. We wish it the success it deserves.
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