READABLE Near.:.—Birds of a Feather. By Mrs. Horace Tremlett. (Hutchinson
and Co. to. Pd. net.)—Mrs. Horace Tremlett's new novel contains an amusing account of the complicated adventures of an officer who, having come back from West Africa on leave, is commandeered for secret service. The whole story iswritten in a light vein, and the sudden suicide of the escaped German prisoner sounds a tragic note which is a little incongruous.--The Three Black Penny& By Joseph Hergesheimer. (W. Heinemann. 6s. net.)—A remarkable
American industrial novel. It is in three parts, and deals with three members of the same family who are at the head of a business concern at intervals of two or three generations. The whole makes a powerful but depressing book.—The Great Portrait Mystery. By Austin Freeman. (Hodder and Stoughton. Gs. net.) —An American story of the unravelling of a mystery, in which the first chapters are concerned wills the theft of a picture from the National Gallery.