A Freak Of Nature.
(To run EDITOR or THE " SEEDTATOR."1 SIR,—I don'i think Archbishop Mathew's explanation will explitin the gull in St. James's Park. First, because-I believe it is the same......
"war Lessons New And Old."
ETo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 SIR,—Pray forgive me for calling your attention to rather a serious misprint which takes all the substance out of the quota- tion from......
The Greek Spirit Versus Greek Grammar. (to The Editor Of
THE SPECTATOR.") Stn,—Having lately discovered through translations the delights of Greek literature, I read with Interest your article on "The Greek Spirit versus Greek......
Guesses At Truth.
ITO TEE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."t SIR, —TO accept "Ignatius's" contention (ue. "Dread Seet , - city," p. 320, Spectator. March 15th) is to acquiesce in an evil. which is the......
The Epigram On Tegea, By Simonides. (to The Edit°. Of
THE SELOTATOR."1 wonder whether you can find room for another version of Simonides's perfect epigram. If so, may I submit the fol- lowing lines? They were written before I saw......
A School For Mothers.
Pro THE Entreat or THE " SPECIATOR."3 nt.—Once n year, and no more, I beg, in the Spectator, and nowhere else, for the Lancaster Road School for Mothers and Nursery for......
Notice.—when " Correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed...
name or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated,"the Editor must not necessarily beheklto be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......
Flj2 Irtctator
We suggest that there can be no better Present in Peace or War than an Annual Subscription to the Spectator. He or she who gives the Spectator ae a present will give a weekly......