The Miners' Delegates Would, It Is Believed, Have...
Government's very liberal offer at their meeting on Friday week. But on that day the railwaymen rejected the Government's proposals and threatened a strike. The miners, the......
The Committee Appointed Last Manth By The National...
of employers and workmen has presented a unani- mous Report in favour of certain broad principles of reform. The Committee proposes that Parliament should establish a maximum......
The Miners' Leaders On Wednesday Showed Their Good Sense By
deciding to recommend their followers to accept the Govern- ment's terms. A ballot is to be taken, and it may be hoped that the men will follow their leaders' advice in voting......
The Newspaper Proprietors In Question Have Withdrawn From...
in deference to public opinion. They have retaliated on Mr. Chamberlain, first by protesting against his appointment as Chancellor, and then by denouncing every official action......
The True Inwardness Of The Hostility Displayed By The North-
cliffe Press towards Mr. Chamberlain was recalled by the Morning Post of Monday. Mr. Chamberlain's offence was the speech of February 19th, 1918, on the connexion between Lord......
Mr. Austen Chamberlain Has Done Well In Removing The...
restrictions on new issues of capital for the home trade. The revival of industry and the starting of new enter- prises have been sorely hampered by the Treasury ban, which......
Mr. Boner Law Announced The Same Night In The House
of Commons that the Government were prepared to adopt Mr. Justice Sankey's Report " in the spirit as well as in the letter, and to take all the necessary steps to carry out its......
The Negotiations With The Railwaymen Were Complicated By...
of the men employed in railway workshops. A hundred thousand of these engineers and other craftsmen belong to the National Union of Railwaymen, but the majority belong to other......
On Monday Night The Government Were Able To Announce That
the railwaymen's leaders had agreed on the interpretation of the official proposals-for a settlement. It is a mouno d as we go to press eel Thursday that the National Union of......
We Are Strongly In Favour Of Proportional Representation,...
regret none the less that the Government propose to apply it to Ireland alone in the Local Government Bill which the House of Commons on Monday read a second time. Sir Edward......