Readable Near.:.—birds Of A Feather. By Mrs. Horace...
and Co. to. Pd. net.)—Mrs. Horace Tremlett's new novel contains an amusing account of the complicated adventures of an officer who, having come back from West Africa on leave,......
To The Useful Series Of "helps For Students Of History"
the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge has just added A Short Guide to the Public Record Office, Dublin, by the Rev. IL H. Murray, and The Care of Documents, by Mr. C.......
Some Books Of The Week.
(Wilt in Ili; Ohl)an imf necemarilj prnln it gielarifeed: renitio.1 The Motherl«nd Song Book. (Stainer and Bell. ls. Bd. net.)— This little collection of songs, the first volume......
The Second Number Of The Angle-french Review (dent, 2s. 6d.
net) is even better than the first. We commend to our readers M. Andrif Lebon's temperate and reasoned article on the unwisdom and unfairness of abolishing the Allied blockade......
LITTLE .11OUSES.• MR. GEORGE Wonep makes a most auspicious start with his first novel, though it inevitably suggests comparisons with the " Five Towns " work of Mr. Arnold......
A Curiosity Of The War That Has Been Sent To
us is a facsimile of the Berliner Tageblatt for November 11th last, with an English translation printed in a similar form (Simpkin, Marshall, Is. net). The paper announced the......
The Fighting Fleets. By Ralph D. Paine. (constable. 10s. M.
net.)--This is a very spirited account of the work of the American Navy during the war, with a number of excellent photographs. Mr. Paine tells some capital stories of......
The British C'ampaign In France And Flanders, 1915. By Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle. (Hodder and Stoughton. 7s. lid. net.) — In the fourth volume of his valuable and interesting history of the British campaigns on the Western Front Sir Arthur......