General -allenby - , Who Has Returned To Egypt As Special...
Commissioner, will have no difficulty in restoring order. Lord Curzon stated on Monday that the agitation was subsiding in Cairo, but that there had been violent outbreaks in......
German Ministers And Others Continue To Utter More Or Less
vague threats that Germany will not accept the terms to be dictated by the Allies in the near future. It is more important to notice that the enemy is surrendering his merchant......
Mr. Churchill, In A Long Statement On Tuesday, Confirmed The
general impression that the Russian Bolshevik armies had gained successes in the Ukraine and the Black Sea region, but had failed elsewhere. He - said that our troops in the......
News Of The Week.
THE industrial situation at home is easier, but the state of Central Europe inspires grave concern. We are not greatly impressed by the Magyars' theatrical declaration that they......
The Coal Industry Commission Presented Its Interim Report...
and wages on Thursday week, the appointed day. As the Commission failed to agree, the three sections reported separately. The miners' representatives and allies simply declared......
The Hungarian Government, Led By Count Karolyi, Resigned...
week. The ARtcs had proclaimed a neutral zone between the Hungarian and Rumanian forces. Count Karolyi used this an a pretext for leaving office, where he seems to have been......
Mr. Boner Law Announced The Same Night In The House
of Commons that the Government were prepared to adopt Mr. Justice Sankey's Report " in the spirit as well as in the letter, and to take all the necessary steps to carry out its......
On The Crucial Question Of Nationalizing The Coal-mines...
Sankey and his three colleagues expressed no opinion, for lack of time and want of sufficient evidence. But they con- damned the present system of ownership and working, and......
%. The Editor Cannot Accept Responsibility For Any...
letters submitted to him, but when stamped and addressed envelopes are sent he will do his best to return contributions in case of rejection.......