Lord Salisbury, too, was very amusing in his remarks on
Mr. Justin ilirCarthy's and Mr. John Morley's anticipations of the prospect of bringing force to boar on the House of Lords. Mr. Justin KCarthy had informed us last January that if the House of Lords threw out the Home-rule Bill, it would be reintroduced in an autumn Session, and then there would be such an agitation against the House of Lords that they would not dare to reject it a second time. The House of Lords has thrown out the• Home-rule Bill. It has not been introduced in an autumn Session, and the public is as tranquil as if the House of Lords had done perfectly right,—very much more tranquil, we may say parenthetically, than it would have been if the House of Lords had passed the Bill instead of throwing it out. As for Mr. John Morley, he had threatened the House of Lords with force. Lord Salisbury wanted to know where the force was to come from ; was it to be brought from Ireland, as Tyrconnel had proposed to bring it? Were we to have an invasion of Kernes and Gallow- glaises, otherwise, of the men of the hill-side Or was all this hectoring only a Chinese mode of tailing-off P The Chinese, they say, when they cannot take a port, always taking it out in "shouts and grimaces."