[to Tric Editor Of The " Spbodator."] Sru.,—in The...
of the late Mr. W. Bell Scott (Vol. U. p. 276-77) there is an interesting reference to this phrase. Mr. Scott believed that he had discovered its Hebrew orIgin. At the funeral......
What Is Unwomanly P !to The Editor Ow The "
SPECTATOR:1 .81E,—Please kindly permit me to exculpate myself from the imputation that the little essay, "What is Unwomanly P" which I recently sent to W oman," was written for......
The Alleged Dublin Suicide.
[TO THE EDITOR or THE EIPECTATO11."] Sin,--With reference to the supposed suicide in Dublin, I wish to say that your correspondent, who writes from the University Club here, is......
A FRIEND OF MARIE ANTOINETTE,* A Friend of the Queen. Translated by Mrs. Cashel Ilooy from the Franca of Paul Gaulot. Lonoon : W. Heinemann. 1894. To say that a book is......
Within his beams heaven's lesser beauties fade ; And many of the marvels God has made Would be for ever shrouded from our sight If the sun never set. But with the night New......