The Verse Is Not Of The Very Hest Quality, But
it will please, we My Rook of History-Tales. (Edward Arnold.)—Some forty odd fancy. The chief fault that we find in it is an eccasional touch incidents in English history are......
Vigorous And Pleasing Picture Does The Madcap Make In The
first prickly, repellent form, does not suggest the dainty creatures part of the book ; and we can quite imagine ourselves going to which Miss Burnside's imagination, aided by......
Lord Stafford Aucliey. By Heath° Grey. (religious Tract...
the story of a spiritual struggle in a young Simon the Simple was laughed to scorn, heart,—rather more sad than we should altogether like to try a Speeding away through !lel& of......
But Where Are The Toys Of Christmas Lost ? Alphabet.
"A," for instance, is exemplified by Amor (a boy Cupid), Ape (studying an album), Adam (eating an apple)—bring- ing in an emphatic contrast between man and his reputed pro-......
Ballade Of Dead Storm:13, In A Decayed Old Kentish Town,
much addicted to smuggling. (So at least sayeth my ancient Gran), The date is the beginning of the century. Slight and short, it Little Boy Blue was blowing his horn, hardly......
Eontented Dolls" Is Really Good. The Illustrations Are Of...
Black, White, and Grey. By Amy Walton. (W. and R. merit. That on p. 0 is really too grotesque ; it might have been Chambers.)—The history of three kittens—black, white and meant......
The Faith," And A Very Fine Character Of The Man
is given us by A Day with the Sea-Urchins. By Helen M. Burnside. With......
The Misfortune In His Youth To Be Both Well-bred And
good- " THE SWALLOW AND THE ROHM looking ; in his old age, he becomes decidedly prolix. Half the ' Come follow, come follow,' number of pages would have sufficed, even for his......
The Cottager And Artisan (religious Tract Society) Is An Ex-
that was a little hard. eellent periodical for the public for which it is intended.......