Stories And Fairy-tales Of Hans Christian Andersen. A New...
lation by II. Oskar Sommer, Ph.D. Illustrated by Arthur J, Peskin. 2 vols. (George Allen.)—We are not qualified to speak of the translation as regards its fidelity to the......
AMERICAN ILLUSTRATORS.* NEW YORK, as Mr. Hopkinson Smith describes it, seems a veritable Happy Valley for American artists. We are intro- timed to the Century Club, and to other......
Ten Tales Without A Title. By Edith Carrington....
and Co.)—In some of these tales we have birds and beasts confabulating,—geese, for instance, and butterflies, and starfish, if, indeed, these can be so called. Then we have in......
The Art Journal, 1893. (virtue And Co.) — The Art...
oldest of our art publications, continues to provide abundant, and on the whole satisfactory, matter for its readers. We cannot rank its full-plate illustrations exactly on a......
My Book Of Bible-stories. By M. T. Yates, Ll.d. (e.
Arnold.) —We have no fault to find with Dr. Yates, except that he tries to crowd too much into his scanty space. The two Testaments are put into the compass of one of the larger......
Tone Heron. Of Sax. By Evelyn Everett-green. (religious...
historico-religious romance, by one of the most skilled pens of the day, has only one fault. Dealing with a special period of the eighteenth century, it is a trifle too long and......
Now For A Story. By Various Authors. (skeffington And Son.)
—This "collection of abort original stories for children" contains eighteen contributions. Among the names of authors we find those of Mrs. Molesworth, Mr. Ascott Hope, Mrs. L.......
A True Cornish Maid. By G. Norway. (blackie And Son.)—this
is a story of the latter years of the eighteenth century, in which smugglers and the pressgang play a prominent part. The incident is plentiful and exciting; the characters are......
Queen Of The Daffodils. By Leslie Laing. (blackie.)—the...
of this book is "A story of high-school life," and without doubt it is an accurate one. But the main feature of the story is the trouble caused by the introduction of a spirited......