NEWS OF THE WEEK T HE Dupuy Ministry has fallen unexpectedly, and in a rather odd way. The true reason is the want of agree- ment among its members, especially as regards......
An Attempt Has Apparently Been Made This Week To Murder
the German Emperor and his Chancellor. A box was received on Sunday by the latter, apparently sent from Orleans, and said to contain radish-seed of a new kind. His aide-de-camp,......
Lord Salisbury Has Made Three Speeches In South Wales This
week. The first was at Cardiff on Tuesday, when he remarked on the absolute necessity of reinforcing our Navy at a time when other nations are so greatly increasing theirs, and......
The Italian Ministry Has Also Fallen, The Chamber Having...
dissatisfaction with the Report on the affairs of the Ba.ncit Romans_ It is not alleged that the Ministers took money, but some of them used their official influence with the......
The Times Published On Tuesday An Almost Official...
of the betrothal of the Cesarewitch to the Princess Henne of Orleans ; but it was denied next day by the Comte de Paris himself. The story was primei facie most improbable, as a......
No. 3,414.j
WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1893. [ ft Trz::::x AI EMS ; 64L 614.......