Passion's Aftermath. By J. Mark Foster. (Digby, Long, and Co.)
—The plot of this story is about as bizarre, and, we may add, as repulsive, as anything that has ever come within our experience. Mona Aveling is an artist, and his sister Muriel is deceived by a lover who makes her acquaintance unknown to her brother. Furious at this wrong, he is at a loss how to avenge it till he becomes acquainted with the lover's sister, who is acting under an assumed name. Thereupon he conceives the idea of deluding her with a mock marriage, and thus securing his revenge. He gots up a sham registrar's office and a sham official ; a month or two afterwards proclaims in a ballroom what he has done, and then—finds out that he has been mistaken, that his sister had been lawfully married ! This is not the end of the story, but it is probably enough for our readers.