SIR,—It is a curious coincidence that in your issue of June 18th you have an article asking, in the name of Mr. Evans, for a fourth party in the House of Commons. I have just inaugurated a movement which will work, from within the Conservative Party, and which, I think, corresponds in some sort with what I agree with you in thinking is very much needed. It is called the new Conservative movement and I append some of its chief objects :-
1. To end the policy of Defeatism pursued by successive British Governments since the Nation " won the war " by restoring " initia- tive " to our Executive.
2. To remodel our National Finances.
3. To rehabilitate Agriculture.
4. To people our Dominions.
The Legend of the Movement is that of a ploughman ploughing a straight furrow. Pre-industrialized England stood for reason and individual effort with its reaping of individual reward. The industrial revolution filled the cities and brought confusion as well as added wealth. The Nation must resume control of its con- science and restore perspective to its corporate life. This can only be done by a great national effort, assumed by all classes as the result of a rebirth of patriotism, impulse and creative effort.
I launch the New Conservatism in a spirit friendly to the present Conservative forces in this country in so far as these forces represent and are based upon much that is best and most virile in our race.
—I am, Sir, &c., 'DEEDES.
Great Eastern Hotel, London, E.C. 2.