Although The British, American And Japanese Delegates On...
Limitation Conference at Geneva have been at cross-purposes, tempers are good and therefore the prospect of agreement is fair. The British delegation started off with a proposal......
As The Whole Discussion Will Probably Now Take A Different
course, we earnestly beg the friends of the Referendum to come forward and point out in Parliament what complete security from constitutional clashes this instrument would give......
Feng Yu-hsiang, The Chinese Christian General, Has...
of his wavering and has joined definitely with Chiang Kai-shek, the leader of the moderate Nationalists. Moscow is lamenting Feng's " treachery." Chang Tso-lin, the Manchurian......
Meanwhile The Labour Party Has Given Notice Of A Motion
of censure upon the Government. A Unionist amendment will, of course, be moved and we sincerely hope that the Government will come down on the side of some form of general......
On Monday The Duke And Duchess Of York Returned Home
after an absence of six months. They received an enthusiastic welcome, which they thoroughly deserved after carrying through their mission with a rare com- bination of dignity,......
Evidently The Motto In America Is " Equality, Equality, And
again equality." In these circumstances we feel that our right policy is to go out of our way to accept equality while still pressing for our own proposals. There is no reason......
At The Half-yearly Meeting Of The Central Council Of The
National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associ- ations on Tuesday, Sir John Marriott moved a resolution promising " wholehearted support " to the Government in passing a......
The Conduct Of The British Case Has Been Notable For
its candour and earnestness, and though the United States is _ thoroughly entitled to disagree we could wish that opinion in America would not read into our policy intentions......