A LETTER FROM ANGORA. [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR, — It is a crime in Turkey to make invidious comparisons between Constantinople and Angora, and the only English......
The Index To Volume 138 Op The " Spectator "
WILL BE READY FOR DELIVERY ON JULY 20.ra; 1927. Readers resident outside the British Isles and Libraries Overseas; are asked to inform the SPECTATOR Office in advance as to the......
THE NEW WALL PAINTINGS IN ST. STEPHEN'S HALL.] THERE is no place where His Majesty's lieges are more liable to be kept impatiently waiting than in the antechamber to the Houses......
The Spectator.
Before going abroad or on their holidays readers are advised to place an order for the SpEcrwroa. The journal will be forwarded to any address at the following rates One Month......