2 JULY 1927, page 19

A Farmer's Philosophy.

It may throw some light on a present crisis to record the gist of a conversation with a farmer who grows proportionately as much wheat on his immense farm as anyone in the......

A Much-married Bird.

How long do wild birds live ? My own belief is that most of the bigger birds have rather longer lives than is generally believed, when they do not suffer a violent death. A......

Good Land At 4s.

The contrasts on the farms of East Anglia are singularly abrupt, both in appearance and in essence. I never saw farms look so well as in the rich district of South Lincolnshire......

Country Life

AN ESCAPE FROM CRUELTY. One word more, not on the cruelty and illegality of steel- traps set in the open, but on the alternatives. The cry for reform is not to be allowed to die......


Song for a Piccadilly Flower Girl Fon many a year, and many a year, since times were young and gay, I've sold my pretty roses to the passers by the way, My dewy white......

I Asked Him For His Solution. He Had Several Of

which nothing need be said here and now, but it is worth notice— whether we agree or disagree—that he stressed very strongly the national folly, as he called it, of admitting......