This Week's Books
Mn. BELLMAN, the general manager of the Abbey Road Building Society, has done a service to the public by writing his lucid account of The Building Society Movement (with an......
Having Said That Mr. W. G. Bond's The Wanderings Of
Charles I. (Cornish, 7s. 6d.) records the various marches of Charles I., the product at once of royal irresolution and what Clarendon calls " a disjointed imagination," we can......
The City Librarian Of Norwich Is To Be Congratulated On
his 100 pictures of The Norfolk Broads (Jarrold. 2s. 6d.). The pictures he has chosen of East Anglia are as attractive as the text which he has subscribed is apt. * * * *......
Report On The Last Competition
THE Editor offered a prize of £5 for the best philosophy of life which could be written on the back of a postcard, and we are glad to find that the majority of the entries are......
The Wonder Book Of Aircraft (ward, Lock And Co., Os.)
is not only wonderful value for the money, and one of the best boys' books we have seen for a long time ; it is also a book that will delight the " air-minded " adult. We notice......
Colonel Goldschmidt Writes With Authority And Experience...
pleasant style in Bridle Wise (Country Life 12s. 6d.). His distinction between bolting and running away is one that we can endorse from our own experience. A bolting horse can......