2 JULY 1927, Page 30

POEMS BY JOHN KEATS. (Noel Douglas. 5s.). ADONAIS. By Percy

Bysshe Shelley. (Noel Douglas.4s. 6d.) —These two books are the latest additions to Mr. Noel Douglas's admirable " Replica " series of literary classics. These books have already been widely approved, but they cannot be over-praised, since the joy of reading favourite works is greatly increased for the booklover by having them presented to him in facsimile of the originals. The Keats now offered to us is a simulacrum of the British Museum copy of the poet's earliest volume, published in 1817, while the Adonis is reproduced from the British Museum copy of the first edition, printed in 1821 at Pisa, where Shelley was then living. With their excellent paper and white vellum bindings, these little volumes are a delight to hand and eye, and the price is commendably modest. •