A Library List
PHILOSOPHY, PSYCHOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY :-Exsays in Philosophy. By James Ward. (Cambridge University Press. 16s.) Changing Backgrounds in Religion and Ethics. By H. Wildon Carr. (Macmillan. 7s. 6d.)- The Psychology of Childhood. By Dr. Mary Scharlieb.
(Constable. 6s.) Sociality. By Atkinson Lee. (Hol- born Publishing House. 5s.) Conscience and Its Problems. By Kenneth E. Kirk. (Longman. 16s.)- The Golden Day. By Lewis Mumford. (Oxford Univer- sity Press. 10s. 6d.) America the Golden. By Ramsay Muir. (Williams and Norgate. 2s.)--America's Secret By J. Ellis Barker. (Murray. 7s. 6d.) BIOGRAPHY :-Recollections of a Booting Referee. Ily Joe Palmer. (Bodley Head. /Os. 6d.) Travels, 1745- 1779. By J. Macdonald. (Routledge. 10s. fid.)- A Quaker from Cromwell's Army : James Nayler. By M. R. Brailsford. (Swarthmore Press. 6s. 6d.) Horace Walpole. A Memoir. By Austin Dobson. New Edition. (Oxford University Press. 10s. 6d.) NATURAL HISTORY :-The Life of the White Ant. By Maurice Maeterlinck. Translated by Alfred Sutro. (Allen and • Cnwin. 6s.)-Life of the Spider. By J. 11. Fabre. Translated by A. Teixeira de Mattos. (Hodder and Stoughton. 2s. 6d.)-A Bird Book for the Pocket. By Edmund Sandars. (Oxford University Press. 7s. 6(1.) LITERARY :-Mood Without Measure. By Richard Church. (Faber and Gwyer. 2s. 6d.)---The Poems of Richard Crashaw. Edited by L. C. Martin. (Oxford University Press. 21s.) Table Talk of John Selden. New Edition. (Quaritch. 7s. 6d.)-Suhail. By Coleridge Kennard. (Richards. 10s. 6d.) An Introduction to Me Study of Blake. By Max Plowman. (Dent. 4s. 6d.) Amuse- ments Serious and Comical. By Tom Brown. Edited by A. L. Hayward. (Routledge. 25s.) MISCELLANEOUS :-The Book of Swimming and Diving. By Sir G. Hedges. (Hutchinson. 4s. 6d.)---Nerres in Disorder. By Dr. A. T. Schofield. (Hodder and Stough- ton. 2s. 6d.) The Legacy of Israel. Edited by E. R. Bevan and C. Singer. (Oxford University Press. 10s.) -A History of Italian Painting. By 0. S. Tonks. (Appleton. 15s.) Education in Australia. Edited by G. S. Browne. (Macmillan. 21s.) NOVELS :-Peter Lancelot. By John Gunther. (Martin Seeker. 7s. 6d.)-Pretty Creatures. By William Gerhardi. (Berm. 6s.)-Here We Ride. By Anthony Bertram. (Allen and Unwin. 7s. 6d.)--Dew of the Sea and Other Stories. By Horace Annesley Vacheil. (Cassell. 7s. 6d.)