2 JULY 1927, Page 5

At the half-yearly meeting of the Central Council of the

National Union of Conservative and Unionist Associ- ations on Tuesday, Sir John Marriott moved a resolution promising " wholehearted support " to the Government in passing a Bill next year based on the proposals of last week. Sir Shirley Berm moved an amendment to the effect that, though reform of the Second Chamber was necessary, no definite proposals should be made till the whole party had considered the matter. Mr. Amery, who must have been impressed by the arguments of Sir Shirley Benn, Colonel-Spender-Clay and Mr. Duff Cooper, explained that the Government never contem- plated touching the prerogative of the Crown to create peers. " The whole essence of the proposal regarding nominated peers is to use the prerogative by nomination and bring the House of Lords steadily and progressively into harmony with the views of the country." The aim of the Government, he went on to say, was really to make the House of Lords " representative of the best views of all parties." He undertook that the Government would consult the party both inside and outside the House of Commons before drafting the Bill. Sir Shirley Benn's amendment was lost and Sir John Marriott's resolution was carried, but the phrase " sympathetic support " was substituted for " wholehearted support."