The declaration of the Opposition leader and the proceedings in the House of Commons on Tuesday night, by removing all fears of a change of Ministry, have produced an improvement in the price of the English Funds; and Consols are # per cent. above the quotation of last week. The other descriptions of English Securities have improved in like proportion, but the business transacted Las net been very important ; many of the leading brokers and jobbers having been absent both on Wednesday and to-day at Epsom Races. Exchequer Bills have recovered the ground they lost last week, and have been improving daily, till they have reached the quotation from which they fell : they were dooe both yesterday and to-day at 76, which is an improvement of 116 from the lowest point of depression. India Bonds are also higher, in about the same degree ; but so little is doing in them, that a quotation rarely occurs. There does not appear to be any ground for the report of a contemplated reduction of interest of Exchequer Bills. It is, however, believed that the East India Company will before long reduce the amount of their Bond debt still lower than It will stand on the 30th instant, when Bonds to the extent of 1,750,000/. will be withdrawn from circulation and cancelled. The winding-up of the commercial affairs of the Company, and the realization of the large stock of produce which they held at the expiration of their trading charter, has placed an immense sum of money at their disposal, and they have lent large sums upon the security of Exchequer Bills, India Bonds, and English Stock, for periods varying from 3 to 12 months at an interest of 26 per cent, per annum ; hence money, which was rather in demand last week, has again become abundant, and the rate of commercial discount has fallen from 36 to 26 per cent.
The usual notice has been issued from the Bank Parlour, stating the willing. nese of the Directors to advance money on loan from the present period to 17th July (the day on which the books of the various Stocks about to close will be reopened). It is as follows-
'. The Governor and Company of the Bank of England do hereby give notice, that on and after the 31st inst. they %ill be ready to receive applications tor loans upon the deposit of approved bills of exchange not having more than YiK mouths to rum such loans to be repaid on or before the 17th .1illy next, with interest at the rate of 34 per ceut, per antrum, and to be for sums of not less than 2,0001."
It is not, however, probable that the state of money will be such as to induce our capitalists to avail themselves of the accommodation offered.
In the Foreign Market, the Dutch, Belgian, Danish, and Russian Stocks, have improved with Console, though not in so great a degree ; the advance in price not exceeding from to 8 per cent. : the business has, however, mainly centered in Portuguese Stock, which is nearly 2 per cent. higher than last week, the Five per Cents. (Regency) having been to-clay at 376, the Three per Cents. 256, and the Bonds of the Loan of 1837 (5 per cents.) 308. The Old Portuguese (1823) have not, however, improved in a like degree.
Spanish Stock has been at 216, and has since improved to 22, at which price it has been steady, with little doing. The South American Securities are firm, Brazilian being in demand at 81, and Columbian at 276 Very little has been doing in Peruvian, Buenos Ayrian, or Chilian Bonds. The French blockade of the Mexican coast has caused the Bonds to be quoted about per cent. lower, but there does not seent any disposition in the holders to sell stock at present. Little of importance has occut red in the Railway Shares, which are generally within a shade of our last quotations. The Croydon, Brighton, Manchester, and Birmingham, with one or two others, have been rather more in demand, but it has not led to any material alteration in the quotations.
The Aspbalte Bitumen Shares still linger in the market, but scarcely any business has occurred in them, and the rage for this sort of speculation seems for the present at least entirely abated.
We have very little doing here this morning, and prices are the same as yes. terdsy, both in the Stock and Share Markets.
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Accouut 3 per Cent. Reduced New 3/ per Cent. Aims Batik Stuck India Stock Ditto Bonds Exetrequer 111118 Belgian 5 per Cents NI 5 95/ / 931 4 1021 1 201t 54
72 74prn. 68 7Optn. Dila I Brazilian 5 per Cents Danish Dutch 24 per Cents Portuguese Regency 5 p.Cts Ditto 3 per Cent. Russian (1822)5 per rent Spanish (1835)5 per Cent Defetred Stock Passive Ditto 80/ Si 74/ 54 54/ / 37/ 24/ 112 113 211 24 St 9 41 5