State Of Reform Politics In Edinburgh.
TO THE EDITOR Or THE sereereroa. Edinburgh. 30th May PA SIR—Other correspondents have probably given you the particulers of the grand National Demonstration whieh has been......
Banking In Ireland.
TO TIIE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Westminster, 30th May 15:15. Sm —I learn by my private letters, thnt a passage in one of the hauling ankles of the Spectator of 10th May, upon......
Progress Of Life Assurance.
LIFE-ASSuRANCE societies have been greatly multiplied of late years, and their increase is symptomatic of improvement in the moral and physical condition of the people : it......
To Ton Entron oi Tun srECTAT0a. " I have selle naked thonghts stied' rove about, A iol total! y knock to have their passage out ! A tul. ii ear3 of their laace, do ota y stay,......