2 JUNE 1838, page 6

'the Members Of The Lite Rary Fund Had Th..h. Annual

en Saturday, at Ow 1"EL•0111:1-0II . S ; Ali:14111k of Lail.loWile ill tilt! 4:11Air. chief speaker %vas Mr. 'Ilionlas Alocre ; mho was flowery and el, ecttint repiy to :be to......

Thu Week Has Bee,: • 'waders And Attempts At Murder.

A Coroner's Jury 1 .ii sitting at the Yam k Hotel, Waterloo Road, leimbeth, to it ito the ciremnstances or au extreordi- nary murder, committee; lodging-house in Wellington......

Epsom Races Eomtnenced On Tuesday. The Attendance Of All...

was unusually thin, and the runnine meeellite. The Craven Stakes were won by Lord Stifle-Id's Curio-aim ; the IS'oodeote by Mr. Wor. rail's Peon ; the Shirley by Sir Gilbert......

In The Court Of Queen's Bench, On Tuesday, It Was

decided that a leo warrant() should issue, to ascertain by what right the Court of Al- dermen of the City of London refused to admit Mr. Salomons, as Alderman of Aldgate Ward,......

About Eight O'clock On Thursday Evening, A Thunderbolt...

front-room window, which was open, of the house No. 63, E ast Street, Lambeth Walk. A woman, named Landsdowne, her daughter, and a young man named Russell, were at work at the......