Thu week has bee,: • 'waders and attempts at murder.
A Coroner's Jury 1 .ii sitting at the Yam k Hotel, Waterloo Road, leimbeth, to it ito the ciremnstances or au extreordi- nary murder, committee; lodging-house in Wellington Terrace, in that vicinity. The muruer. d person o as Eliza Greenwood : she lived with C eorge I-1 ubbard, a bricklayer, and a married man, hut separated from his o ife. According to the evidence of the surgeon who examined the body, she had been wounded in several plitees—in the abdomen, and under the left breast—with a sharp-poi noel instrument,
'shrew, e ; st. :_ 0 • . . . . .
that which 'Hetet have ceased inetauedeuth, was i i the neck, exteuding nearly from ear to ear, and s. ee; the windpipe. Iler left thumb
was also cut, as if in stree, with her destroy( r. It appeared that the deceased was in the beta of taking persons home with her from theatres ; and that on Friday night, at the Strand Theatre, she wet with an acquaintance, who had the look of a fureigeer—tall, pale, with large whiskers—and wore the garb of a gentleman. With this per- son she entered a cabriolet and went home, about twelve o'clock. The man has not been seen since ; and how or when he left the house, has not been ascertained. Hubbard slept in another apse went. Early on Saturday morning, going out, as he says to work, be discovered the corpse, lying steeped in blood, and partly tesi:essed, near the door of the half-opened bee7room, on the ground floor. He immediately awakened u comm. al traveller, who slept in the house with another woman ; and ;hen alarmed the police. Suspicion fell upon Hubbard, partly in censequence of his razor not being found ; but it was after- wards found ; and, moreover, according to the evhience of the surgeon, the wounds could not have been inflicted with a razor. It was at first thought unaccountable, that neither the persons in two rooms over- head, nor the female servant who slept below, heard the slightest noise : this is now referred to the instantaneous death, from the nature of the principal wound. The deceased had a purse with ten or eleven sovereigns, (which was missing,) also about .201 in a savings bank, as appeured from a bank-book found in her room, and a gold watch. She was about twenty-five years of age, good-looking, and of sober habits.
The inquiry commenced on Monday, and was udjourned till Thursday, when more evidence was given ; and another adjournment took place till Monday next. Crowds of people, according to the wonted English fashion, have floeked to see the premises. Hubbard is not allowed to go at large. At the Lambeth Office yesterday, John Owen, a cooper, living in Cottage Place, Waterloo Road, was examined in reference to a state- ment he had made to one of the jurors on the inquest. The substance of this men's story was, that early on Saturday morning he saw a person standing at the door of the house on Wellington Terrace, in light drawers, his shirt-sleeves tucked up to the elbows, and blood on his hands. His objection to take an oath he said, had prevented him
from giving evidence on the inquest. oath, is reason to believe, from the man's manner, that he is insane; but he was ordered to attend the inquest on Monday.
On Sunday morning, John Parker, in Newman Street, Castle Street East, Oxford Street, kill d Mary Conway, a laundress, in whose
house he lodged as an assistar ii d whom he wished to marry. The woman had excited Parker's eionsy by preference of another man ; and in a fit of rage, it is supposed, he cut her throat, and afterwards his own. A Coroner's Jury lotted a verdict of felo de se on Parker's body.
On Tuesday night, a German gentleman, by name Distryver, entered the Couchmaker's Arms, George Street, Blaukfriars Road, with three women. In less than an hour, the man who kept the house heard loud groans ; and on ent !ing the parlour, found Mr. Distryver lying on the ground, bleeding pi ofustly from a wound in the head. He had lost a
101. note and live sovereigns ; but the note and three of the sove- reigns were found in the room. It does not appear that any trace of the women has been discovered. Mr. Distryver was carried in a des plorable state to his lodgings in Newport Street, Haymarket.
The body of an old man, afterwards recognized as Mr. Osborne, of Brunswick Row, Hornsey Road, was found in the New River, nett Islington, on Thursday. It was doubled up by a cord which fastened the legs and arms together, so as to make his face and knees meet. Apparently the man must have been murdered; but no other marks of violence than the above were found on his person.