The Reverend J. Sandford's Collection Of Pictures.
WE are indebted to an amateur for calling our attention to a curious collection of Italian pictures, formed by the Reverend J. SANFORD during a twenty years' sojourn in Italy.......
Fine Arts.
PROPOSED REMOVAL OF THE CARTOONS OF RAPHAEL. WE are glad to find that the promoters of art are stirring in this matter. A ee titiun to the Queen is in course of signature for......
Sale Of Constable's Pictures.
CONSTABLE'S paintings were sold at Foster's, lately; and fetched prices that showed the estimation in which he was deservedly held as a landscape-painter, notwithstanding that......
Casts From The Antique.
THE want of a tine collection of casts from the antique, so long felt by artists in the country, and particularly regretted by Mr. Rt. NIE in his evidence before the Committee......