2 JUNE 1838, page 19

Practical Observations On The Preservation Of Health And...

nr Dice, by Sir Ae'rucrey Cs e ■Aste. There is a good deal of plain common sense, and a few valuable hints, in this volume upon the management of children and the diseases of......

A Night Near Windsor, By A. Collingridge, Esq., Is The

title of an " introduction " to two unintelligible attempts at sea- story telling. We have only been able to discern through the fog of verbiage, some shocking incidents and......

Translation* From The Lyric Poets Of Germany, By John...

is a labour of love and scanty leisure, that requires the forbearance its author modestly bespeaks. The simplicity and homeliness of the originals are felt in the spirit as well......

A Series Of Practical Discourses, By The Reverend James Mac-

LEAN, is a collection of plain and popular sermons, neither too lax nor too rigid fur hiiinianitv ; and sensibly appealing to the interests and experience of t he auditor as an......

Fine Arts.

PROPOSED REMOVAL OF THE CARTOONS OF RAPHAEL. WE are glad to find that the promoters of art are stirring in this matter. A ee titiun to the Queen is in course of signature for......

We Have Read With Fresh Delight The Story Of The

Fisherman and the Genie, (or Jinnee, as Mr. LANE has it,) in the Second Part of the new translation of the Arabian Nights Entertain- ments. The Oriental imagination displays its......

The Twenty-first Volume Of The Naturalist's Library, And...

the Ornithological department, is devoted to the Fly- catchers, or Museicapido : which family has been most scienti- fically treated of by Mr. SWAINSON. The minutely accurate......

Guards, Hussars, And Infantry, Is A Tale Of A Twofold

kind. The scenes, laid in camps, hospitals, and the convivia of doubtful characters or downright blackguards, seem often taken from llk• the story has been invented by the......

Of Reprints Or Serials, We Beve-

l. The Eleventh Volume of the Penny Cycloperdia ; com- mencing with "Terra del Fuego," and ending with the letter " H :" a volume containing a vast quantity of matter, treated,......

A Flora Of The Neighbourhood Of Reigate, Surry, By George

LUXFORD, though purely local in its interest, and but an insigni- ficant contribution to the stuck of botanical knowledge, will be appreciated by all scientific students of......

R Adjle, By Miss E. Randall. This Is A Tale

of the French Revolution ; in which the hero and heroine are mixed up with the historical events and characters of the time. The facts and names are French, but the incidents......

Se/f-dependence, By Eliza Paget, Is A Religious Tale ; Which

inculcates the evil effects of overweening self-confidence, and the advantage of relying on "strength from abcve." The characters and conduct of two serious young ladies, under......

The Odes If Lloracp Illustrated By Parallel Passages From...

Creek Roman, and British Poets, by the Reverend ALEXANDER JAMES Ilowett, B.A. This is a curious rather than a useful book. It dues not elucidate Ilottace, nor does it often......

The Young Lady's Book Of Botany, Is A Clear And

concise introduction to the science, in a compact pocket volume, illus- trated with numerous wood-cuts,. and coloured engravings, very delicately executed. The account of the......

Chapters On ('oronations, Is A Popular Account Of The...

nature, and history of these ceremonial rites of royalty ; and con- tains much matter in a small compass. The fashion and uses of the regalia and robes, the ditli•rent......

Mr. Westwood's Introduction To The Modern Classification...

range with the popular works of YARRELL and BELL on British Fishes, Quadrupeds, and Reptiles; for though more purely scientific than they, and not limited to this country, all......