Of reprints or serials, we beve-
l. The Eleventh Volume of the Penny Cycloperdia ; com- mencing with "Terra del Fuego," and ending with the letter " H :" a volume containing a vast quantity of matter, treated, in the articles we have looked at, less dryly than of yore. 2. A new edition of Jesse's Gleanings in Natural History; two beautiful little volumes, sent forth with many additional anecdotes, communicated in consequence of the success of the former edi- tions. A more agreeable or seasonable present cannot be found than this little wink.
3. The Third Volume of Milman's Gibbon; with a fair sprink- ling of useful annotations, and two mai's—one of Constantinople, the other of the Propontis, Hellespont, and Bosphorus. 4. The Fifth Volume of Mr. THIRLWALL's very excellent His- tory if Greece. 5. The Eighth Volume of Southey's Poems ; containing the " Curse of Kehama."
6. Sir THOMAS BitowNE's celebrated " Religio Medici" and his "Urn Burial," with a Preliminary Discourse and Notes by Mr. ST. JOHN; which form the current volume of the Masterpieces of English Prose Literature, 7. The Sixty-sixth Volume of the Standard Novels, containing MARRYAT'S " Newton Foster.-