Epsom Races eomtnenced on Tuesday. The attendance of all classes
was unusually thin, and the runnine meeellite. The Craven Stakes were won by Lord Stifle-Id's Curio-aim ; the IS'oodeote by Mr. Wor. rail's Peon ; the Shirley by Sir Gilbert Ileathcote's Tawney Owl; timid the Epsom by Loud Stradbroke's Redcar.
Wednesday Wil5 the great Derby day; altered from Thursday, in order to give horses running for the Derby, time to rest before the Oaks on Friday. There was no lack of company on the course, or in the Grand Stand, on Wednesday. Among the distinguished persons, were the Duke and Dutchess of Clevelund, the Dukesmotfifillelviniliftoornt: Montrose, and Rutland, Lords Jersey, Chesterfield, Su
Stanley, Uxbridge, Mulgrave, Albemarle, and George Bentinek, Counts D•Orsav Bathiany, Generul Grosvenor, and Cvlenel Peel. G del and Ingtioni were in the Grand Stand. Before the great race commenced, this was the betting-
2 to I against Grey Mouton, 7 to 2 against Cobham, 7 to I agoittst !locals.R to l liglilniat 1.111.1giv:ii,Irtley(tititil,T iliol3tot oil ,a,g,a,tiiii:sstt 13t0outtoonI, la3ottitisls:IgAit,s.t.1.1,,, 2450 Ito() ingainot against Conservator, 40 to 1 against Drum Major, 40 to 1 against Chemist, 40 to 1 against Bullion, aud 1,000 to 13 againit Drethy. 'flit-re were three false starts ; and even after the other horses got off, Young Ron-ton and Surprise were left behind together, their riders not being aware that the flag was dropped. We subjoin the official de- scription of the race- " As seen as lite horses bad settled into their ground, Bretby went away with the lead at a capital pace, followed by Grey Mows. Amato, and Tom ; Albemarle. Phcenix, Ion, Dredalus, D'E vine, Mel Conservator lying behind in good places. They observed this outer up the hat; at the top of m much Brellty declined; the Grey taking the lead, which he kept, with Tom, Amato. and Albemarle in attendance, to the turn. Placid:6 who had run well to this point, now gave up; so also did D'Egville, Cobham, Constantine, several others hiss 1u4 declined long before. Amato here shut by the Grey, and thefellbeti his pace tremendously, the Grey follow ing with Tutu still up, and Ion just beginning to show in front of the second rank. AMMO had made the Grey safe direvtly he Welt up the running ; and although Ion made a desperate effort for victory half way op the distance, it was with no other result than to get place; she judge awarding the prize to the Epsom nag byis length, his advantage user the Grey being how times as great. Albemarle passed Turn near the chair, and was fourth, Tom null, Dormouse and Conservator sixth and seveuth ; but all a cuelider• able distance trout the first four. The (aliens u ere tailed off a long way, Cobham mid Meth) being last of all by many lengths. The principal winners are sevetal gentie. men living at Suttou or elsewhere in the neighbourhood of Epsom. Sir Gilbert Heath. cote himself never bets. The stakes, inclusive of the winner's, amonitted to 3,9251„ subject to the liediletiCeIS statml ill the conditions. The announcement that Sir Whet hud won was received with vehement acclamations from all muds of the course. Alter the race, some inquiry was made into the cause of Young ilowton and the Surprise colt being being lett behind ; and as it turned out that the nag was dropped, no cam plaint was made." The Ewell Stakes were won by Sir Gilbert Heathcote's Countess, beating Lord Strudbroke's Fifer and Captain Gardner's Benedict. Thus, Sir Gilbert, who was Steward of the Epsom Races for the first time won a race the first day, and the Derby and the next stakes after the Derby on the second day. Mr. Pettit's Munchausen won the Ash- teed, and Mr. Harrison's Brother to Elizabeth the Handicap Sweep-
stakes. The company on the course, on Thursday, was thin, and the runnirg not remarkable. The Sutton Stakes were won by Captain Gardners
Benedict ; the Surry Stakes by Mr. King's Hectic ; the Gold Cup by Lord Exeter's Hibiscus, beating Mr. Batson's Voluptuary and Mr.
Bond's Reveller filly. This was a close race- " Betting-2 tot on Voluntary. The Reveller filly made steady running. Voluptuary following her to the top of the hill, where Ilibiscos took second place. At the turn the filly declined, and Hibiscus meld on with the lead. Voluptuary waiting half-way up the thetilllee, tt here she went np, and El se% ere race took place, the horse %inning by a Heels only. Many thought that had Nat been on Voluptuary instead of it boy, she would have won."
The Croydon Stakes, a race of a mile and a quarter, won by Lord Chesterfield's Davie Gellatlie ; and for heats, by Mr. Shelley's Reuben.
There was a numerous assembly yesterday to see the race for the Oaks ; which turned out but a moderate affair. It was won by Lord Chesterfield's Industry, beating Lord Suffield's Calisto and fourteen others. The rain, which held off during the races, soaked the company on their return.