'The members of the Lite rary Fund had th..h. annual
en Saturday, at Ow 1"EL•0111:1-0II.S ; Ali:14111k of Lail.loWile ill tilt! 4:11Air. chief speaker %vas Mr. 'Ilionlas Alocre ; mho was
flowery and el, ecttint repiy to :be to t•t " The l'out's of Eiyi.e.d."
Mr. ,11.00re spoke of poet:y in connexion tv:th pay and tirofit- of mat riage with the isnot. li..i: ,..11 ut. love.uutat,.lu. iihleh beauty aryl rain at t: tho she ihlue hely of l'arol-sa- has now became what the Fronelt c ILI a 1,, i• it ; and iosicad of dreeghts it a fearfully Joni; 'late nvarn lio.terity for Ili it ail y miii ia,tialiatints fame, she now briscts ..s I•vr 41••wer Iii 11.., 1.01.0 u,uaC hilt fir 11;1/1e accept utecs of a loognata, a AI orray. th. a It in baldly 7e: Say, illat this great cis Inge in the %c..ild 1ctter.:, thin cr.:I:ion of a 111` cf
it may in evely beast! be C.Illetl-hor t110 10,11101011S .Of :tad t'vl e.3.1. s.equeot increase of the prolucing viovcr is an ow:ag to the increa•sed din'an among the cononunity thme two uragical rca.ling and writing. I s. ty ' magic tl,' for they Ale litt101 ; 311,1 it is stance that the same ironil—' ti •pell been apidied heth to e.e ..:s of reading and writing awl the over tu ions if the enchanter. '1.0 fecl •1!: is wonder, indeed, we must transport sea elves to the •t• ti:11. 3 When th: wii, in the possession of but a few, and ishen, as Di >Alen sass, 'what knosledse +be.) itsee Si, in them It t selt, Ant theest iii coabl bin ito o, Now all are gods in this respect; the only fe-tr beiour. that the few wIio still content to reitia'm mere leaders in ty ibeir turii i!..5..onte write' • and then in what manner the doe Inhume between the demand and buiplv is to be mithstained, I IllUt‘t lelVe to toy able and worthy llitad .Mr. hut e ta determine."
For his own merits and performances, Mr. Moore admitted that he had been well recompensed-
" Within these two or three years, by an act of favour with which all aromel me are acquainted, I have been, for the first time in toy life, putt out ati imotue which was nut the imtnediate product of my own Itbour ; and it is a novelty, at least, not discreditable I trust to the litetary character, that you Sec in'.0a, before you (I will not say a poet, rementhet ing these lines Poet atm 'saint I to thea alone :tn. given The t‘s J most sacred of earth awl heaven; and feeling that 1 have almost us little claim to the first of those great titles as I have, God knows, to the other)—you see before you a lith'rateur, pensioned by the Crown, without any solicitation on his own part, and what is of far more importance, without the surrender or compromise of any one of those public principles or feelings of which through life he was always the humble but honest advocate."
The collection, the largest ever made, exceeded SOO/. The Wellington Monument Committee have determined, with the Queen's permission, to erect an equestrian statue of the Duke of Wel. lington on Constitution Hill, in the Green Park.
The Duke of Sutherland has placed his eldest son, the Marquis of Stafford, at King's College. The parishioners of Lambeth have resolved, by a majority of 03, to "put off" the consideration of a church, rate to December next.
The Great Western Railway is open as far as Maidenhead. The Directors and a party of two hundred gentlemen made the first or expe- rimental journey on the line, on Thinsday. The distance, twenty- four miles, was performed in 47 minutes, with much ease. At Maiden. beadan entertainment was provided, and many congratulatory speeches delivered, on the anticipated advantages of bringing London within a three hours' journey of Bristol; whence the Great I'Vesterti steamer would convey travellers in a few days to New York.