The trial at Paris, of HUBERT, STEUBLE, GIRALTD, ANNAT, and
the woman GROUVELLE, for a conspiracy to murder King Louts PHILIP, terminated on Saturday last, in the conviction of all the prisoners. The verdict against GROUVELLE caused some surprise, as the few persons who had attended to the proceedings considered the evidence against her far from conclusive. Indeed, the whole of the prisoners were acquitted of the capital charge of a plot to assassinate the King, but found guilty on "a second general charge" in the indictment. All the counsel for the prisoners were utterly astonished by the verdict ; the grounds for which it is difficult to discover, as well as the particular offence of which they were convicted, seeing that the crime for which everybody thought they were tried was not brought home to them. HUBERT, upon hearing the verdict against GROUVELLE, became furious, and tried to stab himself with a large penknife. A violent and noisy scene occurred, until HUBERT was carried off by main force. Sentence of" deportation" was pronounced against him in his ab- sence. Gitouvau.a, STEUBLE, and ANNAT were condemned to five, and GIRAUD to three years' imprisonment. The leading French Ministers are again quarrelling. MOLE is annoyed by the constant interference of the King in the Cabinet, and MONTALIVET, Louts PHILIP'S personal friend, is carrying on intrigues with the Doctrinaires. It is expected by many that SOULT, on his return from London, will take office, as President of the Council.