A meeting of the Anti- Slavery Deleeates wits held at
Piro?... s Hotel, on l'ueselay, after the issue of the last Slavary debate in t'ai
House of Conamons Lad been aseertaineid. A.series of TeSi2.'.ilitLIS
were passed-
" I. TI:At coii,bi,t of hr Ma:.•5;■'s NUL', lat lu tranv..livz ‘41 ra. 5a.a. I • :bitconiodzeil ril1h15 of Ili, int d. 5;n5iti.: 1 ,•• ty••:% of a o. initto,1 rooi to. ,•,.• hil ■it a criminal lid of e‘,..• 1,111,iple by tall'olt anti ChrH!..in ,51
shoulti bit acInalt51, :ha -.otaf,54 t...115nito rs.11,111:11i011 tii•• .
" That ',how Niambris id 11•:,:st• (.01.1,1, 0, '10 113%0 •1.01 .1!•',1 1160 1;,t.
awl in tr-a ,•f •I a, 5 of ital,,.:16t.y or
santort of 3 f,•■•.! ta 155,1,10.
•• 3. a hal it, ilia ii' ii .1.a.;5!•al Ota o•.5 '
the izt.t. nit ill. i I.' • i•• 1, 0 Colonritig, '11,C,,Sal■ 10 0.,11/0 '.1 vi cons h.t.11, that 5:1.411.1 .1.: •'.., contannotaios th,!f,•15,ii:abilii, r.!5: OltIa v :slasl,'s 'i lilt " 4. That lito I 4.1•0 l3:0 10 II,' j•I•!1. .• 1:1,1f in behalf or ilia tqq•■•••••,,al. i4t1 a ..1; t it 1,7 k I tO 001..1.: 1•.- vi.e.tsva tabl;:y evils !li .Ind itit•
until ,lavery r..ality to m,•li ia ono is tdtt.i1:..
5. That cOlt lher, tia•y lo iri'i, ' ait ,:.,- A1101111■11tS thrt.achatit Ca. c, quo% .131 1,11011 Or :1111:•!--1,1‘..1y S.suieties; the e'reolue:. a of iii, Jo' loot it .1111i ■11■11 1-It■11,411,11.■ on 0111,110111l. MIA', I. • :,4•••••eta •.•••■ that taay ai 011ii 10 lake advauta4e ••■••■• 1001111liz the ila:%aacciiiialt i.1 01 their ;feat obi yt. 'C, That Colonial Slattory 'welt Illy s■ ct homilies and topo.:i; 1" 114. I ,ir" P:''' 01,1,10!. 1,ti 1:1•• ro.-o.acts of r' tie' lo 111.• alimaii*. aloitithaIt 111100 hr 011, i: the of Allosilio111-1s. ill nwaa5, to a Ilat•e earect boormal a, poi i,..1.ataat A VititS to the r.iiiaiVal 4•1:•11 1:.1! 1111ir11-31 l'.10 a of it.).
Mini:ate .
'I'lutults we re v.dcel to Sit. Ear,i'...s aiel the M. ntle'rs by whoci IC 55.:15 ,11,1.cct tint the ;c:itition 011 I. tion i; not yet b‘'.-r ; ;Lull that slooti.1 it speedy (.1 l'arba- Inept be rcndered rcee,, oy by any aeridev.t, the id. :Members Ni' 'nit einatneipatioa Still net he eery favourable to careii,::::es
liar admi,sion into the next 11011,e of '
11rnitfort, aboitt..131pertmg. elineel together, a tent Crt.e:i.(1 ill the rrOtIMIS of Ale. Alien, in the New N.,n,h Ile el. The ohjeet of the meetieg was tuu present piceu, of plate. to Mr. Ilium', 11'S a (.m1.'31.04)11 for his defeat in the ;1st election r• r 3.11■1.11,,eN. Air. r'lav was chairman ; and timoag the tomp.only were Air. I !sr:, y, Air. Agfieeibe, Evans, Mr.-by:I.:, Mr. II Miley, Ale. Villiers,
and Sir Jame:: I 'The speeches woe, of coins., eomplinniteary