A correspondent of the Times, under the pretence of defending
the Baroness Lehzen from a string of calumnies in the Kentish Observer, jesuitically endeavours to fix and confirm some items in the slanderous list. The following is the extract from the Kent paper- .. Wei° II THE nor eres F1VOVIIITE?
It cannot but be a subject of deep solieit ugly throughout the count ry,to know who lathe favourite of their Sovereign. We still endeavour to elicit au answer on this bond, by publielv asking a few questions. " I. Who is the lady that was appointed the Roman Catholic governess of the Prim Ice ss Victoria a ithout the sanction of the country ?
2. Who is the lady that was removed from Oa person of the young Pt meets by the command ot' King George the Fourth. because she was it Papist ? " 3. Who la the lady that was brought back trom Germany to manage the inexpe- rienced and unsuspecting mind of 11w Queen ?
" 4. Who is the lady suggesting, he the direction of a Minister high in the councils of his Sovereign, one continued round if pleasures. to fascinate and occupy the wonderitn; lined of our yoitt Vt.' Queen ?
5, Who is the lady that always attends upon the Queen in al her motions. whether in her Palace, at the Theatre, on horseback, or to the country. i.lthough she has no le• cognized office ur employment remdring her to be there in attendance? '
• B. Who is the lady, being II l'Apiat Anil it foreigner, on whom, account the Proles. !ant daughter o. an English uobletnan was prevented tilling a situation lIslE till WC- BOO of her Majesty ? " 7. who Is Ito lady upon whom tile Lordship really waits, when we raall in the Court Circular that lw had an audience yesterday, and afterwards dined with tie Queen?
▪ 8. Who is the lady that sat up until three o'clock in the morning to annonnee to the Queen (who thanked her not for the inform:dim') the result o tlw luot hut tespecting Cauatle ?
" 9. Who is the lady that is endeav inc to introduce the Jesnits into the Pal tie, and roused the Archh;shop of Canterbury to be degraded at the tal de ot las Sim in 0 der hi convey an intimation that the Roman Catholic is to be the iahitoi.tlile re- ligion tit coort
•• 10. Who is the lady that is employed to keen up the hatchet: of the Popisil Kin; of the Ite!gians at the Court of Queen Victoria:,
" 11. W no is the lady that recommends foreigners fir domestics to an English iteen—suell as the lady's maid, the hairdresser, &e. and cheeses them trout that net moral of all nation.. France?
• 12. Viii, is the Bar ttttttttt Wizen
The writer in the Times, with pretended indignation, appends the following holes— "I. ins Raciness of Lelivm is not, and never was a Roman Catholie.
"2 and 3. That excelleht lady was appointed and It:Mined by his late Majesty King George the nurtli. " 4 and 5. Every man sense and discernment most perreire (,ituated as is our (elored Sorereiyo) how Hands depends on the supetintrudiny lace and tare of the Baroness Lehzem 4'6. A positive, direct atal unmitigated falsehood. 7. Mari it be proper for lu e Alajcsly ta meet my Lord .211--, or my Lord at all times'?
"8. Nut ti orthy the slightest notice. 4i9, 10. and 11. False and malicious, every word. " 12. The Baroness Lehzen is ow of the exerllent of the fund,. VI ()ugh exalted by her Sovereign, thougn living in the sunshine of Court f 'your, her mind is uncorrupted ; and she remains the same affable, kind, and affectionate being, as when first the acute discernment of King Gouge the Fourth selected ler as the vigilant guattlian of Victoria, whose life may God pa 1:5QE se, whose reign may he make alike pure, bright, and glut iott,."