The transactions in the English Funds have been unimportant, and the fluctuations in price quite insignificant. This calm is not surprisiug, when it is considered that the present is the season for universal pleasure-seeking. Consols have varied from 99i to 100.1, and close this afternoon, after being at 991 in the course of the day, at 100/ both for Money and the Account. The rate of discount continues the same, and for first-rate bills may be stated at from 11 to 2 per cent. In the Stock Exchange money is easily obtained upon Government security at 11 per cent. The transactions in the Foreign Market have been rather more extensive than those in the English Funds, though still on a comparatively limited scale. Peru- vian Stock has fluctuated in consequence of reported proceedings of the Ameri- cans in respect to the Lobos Islands, and the probability of a collision between the naval forces of the two republics. But the depression in price thus occasioned was not of long continuance, and the previous quotations have been reestablish- ed. The first dividend upon the Passive Stock (Peruvian) became due today : it is at the rate of 1 per cent per annum. A rise of 1 per cent occurred yester- day in Mexican Stock, upon a report of the arrival of dollars on account of the dividends. As it, however, appeared that the remittance was only on account of the advances made by Messrs. Baring to provide for the payment of the last dividend, the price declined again the whole extent of the rise, and con- tinues steady at 241 25, without any indication of improvement. The poli- tical intelligence from Mexico is unfavourable ; though a hope is held out by M. Fakonnet, the agent of the Bondholders, of a remittance by the next packet on account of the July dividend. Spanish and Portuguese Stocks are firm ; the former advancing, the momentary depression produced by the re- ported preparations for another piratical attack upon Cuba from New Orleans having passed away. Today the settlement of the acoount in Ottoman Scrip was effected. This is perhaps the most successful foreign loan that has been brought out since 1824. The Scrip rose, within a few weeks of the subscription being filled, to 11 premium. A downward movement of about 3 per cent then occurred ; and today the quotation is 9 to 5 premium. The principal Railway event of the week has been the decline of the North- western Stock, which has fallen about 41. per cent—namely from 120 to 116. The market is slightly firmer today ; and, after being at 117, the nominal quotation at the close of business was 1165 117. The opening of the Bir- mingham and Oxford Junction, which took place yesterday, may be cited as the cause of this depression. That line, which will give the Great Western a terminus at Birmingham will, it is anticipated, affect very materially the London and Birmingham traffic of the North-western. The more sanguine holders of North-western Stock, however, expect that at the meeting convened for next week, such an arrangement will be concluded between the two companies as will place the traffic of each on a more satisfactory footing. The fall of North-western Stock from the highest recent quotation, allowing for the dividend, has been about 161. The French Shares are all in demand at improved prices : indeed, it would appear that it is impossible to satiate the demands of the French and our own capitalists ; for notwithstanding the increased number of these enterprises recently produced, the prices of all are continually improving.
The English Stock Market is heavy, in the almost total absence of business ; the closing prices of Consols both for Money and Account being 995 100. The transactions in the Foreign Funds have been confined to the following— Grenada Deferred, 115; Mexican Three per Cents, 25 245 ; Russian Four-and- a-half-per Cents, 1045 5; Spanish Deferred Three per Cents, 235; Ottoman Scrip, 95 premium. The advance noticed this morning in London and North-western Stock has not been maintained, the opening quotation being nearly the highest of the day ; from 1185 the price has declined to 1171, and closes nominally at 117 to 5. The other Shares are steady. French and all Foreign Shares are still in demand. The following are the principal transactions—Aberdeen, 275; Ambergate, Notts, Boston, and Eastern Junction, 65; Caledonian, 444 55 5 ; Eastern Counties, 114 5 ; Eastern Union, Class A. late E. U. Shares, 8; East Lancashire, 185 5; Great Western, 955; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 835; London and North-western, 1185 5 171 ; Ditto Quarter-shares, 145 ; Man- chester, Sheffield, and Lincolnshire, 304 5 i ; Midland, 765 1 4; North Staffordshire, 131 ; Scottish Central, 83 4 ; South Wales, 40 4; -York, New- castle, and Berwick, G. N. E. Purchase or Preference, 71 4; 'York and North Midland, 491 5 ; Caledonian, 1025 11; Eastern Counties Extension 6 per Cent No. 1, If prem. - Eastern Union Scrip Guaranteed 6 per Cent, 165 17; Great Indian Peninsula, 75 5 ; Namur and Liege, 81; Northern of France, 281 • Paris and Lyons, 231 ; Paris and Rouen, 354 4; Paris and Strasbourg, 304 '30 ; Rouen and Havre, 164; Sambre and 'Meuse, 101 4 ; West Flanders, 4i; Western of France, 124. Joint Stock Banks—Australusian, 68 ; Union of Australia, 605. Miscellaneous—Peninsular and Oriental Steam, 865.
3 per Cent Consols 994 100 Danish 3 per Cents 81 3 Dit-o for Account 991 100 Dutch 24 per Cents 644 51 3 per Cent Reduced shut Ditto 4 per Cents 961 974 ex d. 34 per Cents shut Mexican 3 per Cents 245 55 Long Annuities shut Peruvian 6 per Cents 104 5 Bank Stock shut Portuguese Sper Cents 1824.. 38 9
Exchequer Bills 67 72 pm. Russian 5 per Cents 118 20 India Stock — Ditto 4/ per Cents 104 5
Brazilian 5 per Cents 100 2 ex d. Spanish 3 per Cents 1 Be ,loiati 41 per Cents 97 9 Ditto Deferred 23 1 Chilian 6 per Cents 103 5 Sardinian 5 per Cent 9 6 banish 5 per Cents 104 5 Austrian Scrip
SATURDAY TWELVI 0'G•Loca. The English Funds opened at the closing prices of yesterday, and the business transacted has as yet been unimportant. There is no change of moment in the prices of the Foreign Funds, which are all nominally at yes- terday's quotations. The French Funds fell slightly in Paris yesterday, but Railway Shares improved. The only circumstance worth notice in our Railway Share Market is an improvement in London and North-western Stock, which has been done at 1185. The French Shares are all higher and in demand.