Prices Current.
BULLION. Per ox. METALS. Per ton. Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ....£3 17 9 Copper, British Cakese102 10 0 .. 0 0 0 Foreign Gold in Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, WeLsh Bars......
Naval Gazette.
ADMIRALTY, Sept. 18.-Corps of Royal Marines-Sec. Lieut. 3. H. Maskery to be First Lieut. vice S. L. Wilson, dec.......
Military Gazette.
WAR-OPIUM Sept. 28.-Brevet-Lieut.-Gen. Vint. Hardinge, G.C.B. to have the rank of General so long as he is in Command of her Majesty's Army. 1st or Grenadier Regt. of Foot......
Publications Received.
BOOKS. Parlay the Potter. The Life of Bernard Palissy, of Saintes, his Labours and Discoveries in Art and Science ; with an Outline of his Philoso- phical Doctrines, and a......
Commercial Gazette.
• Tuesday, September 28. PARTNERSHIPS DISSOLVED.-Whitaker and Sager, Burnley, machine-makers-Bell and Campbell, Liverpool, merchants-Kay and Blackwell, Wharton, Cheshire, salt-......
Health Of London During The Week Ending September 25. [from
the Official Return.] of Ten Weeks Week 1842-51. of 1862. Eymotic Diseases 3,023 .... 271 Dropsy, Cancer, and other diseases of uncertain or variable seat,. 441 .... 42......