28th September 1852. Bra—i Am Credibly Informed That...
no likelihood of an opposition to Lord Derby for the Chancellorship of Oxford. If this is so, we have a right to ask, who is to blame for this ? Not the party represented by the......
Bonnets On The Death Of Wellington.
L We have not lost thee in thy glorious prime, Strong-hearted hero of true English mould ! Nor with vex'd nations' rights to win or hold In some convulsed and peril-clouded time......
Manning The Navy.
London, 27th September 1852. Sin—At a time when Monsieur Duces, Minister of Marine in France, pro- mises the people of Cherbourg that Louis Bonaparte will be the restorer of the......
A Truly Great Man.
THE 16th of September will be memorable in the recollection of one man at least—Thomas Ashby ; who appeared in the Insolvent Debtors Court before Mr. Commissioner Law to be......
Outside Railway Travelling.
14th September 1852. Bra—With reference to your remarks on the much-called-for improve- ment in outside railroad travelling, I beg to mention what I witnessed a few days since......
Domestic Service.
Adam Street, Adelphi, 14th September 1852. Six — The cry is, " The cholera is coming !" Why do we fear it ? Only from the consciousness that we have left undone that which we......
Trttrro T>i To Thitor.
THE OXFORD CHANCELLORSHIP. 28th September 1852. Bin—Allow me to thank you for your admirable article on the above sub- ject, and to suggest two additional arguments—the latter......