Topics Of The Day.
DISPOSITION OF PARTIES IN THE OPENING PARLIAMENT. As the period for the opening of the new Parliament approaches, the activity of political parties begins to revive, at least in......
The Threat Of A Short Inglorious Season At Drury Lane,
to begin this evening, hangs like a little black cloud in the theatrical horizon ; and the doors of the Haymarket and the Adelphi are already turning on their hinges, for those......
At The St. James ' S Theatre, There Has Been During The
week a band of musicians, who, under the name of " Organophonists," have brought to a considerable degree of perfection the art of imitating with voices alone a complete......
(or (orem.
The capital of the theatrical empire is still Byzantium; in other words, Sadler ' s Wells is still, in point of productiveness, the most important of London playhouses. The......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APTERNOON. The transactions in the English Funds have been unimportant, and the fluctuations in price quite insignificant. This calm is not surprisiug,......