Mr. Winstanley, Of The Firm Of Winstanley And Sons,...
in the Poultry, tookpoison in a cab, yesterday, during a ride from St. James's to Cheapside. He died. A serious fire occurred at Sheerness on Wednesday. Flames burst from the......
SATURDAY. The position of Belgium engages the attention of the limes this morn- ing, in a statesmanlike paper, pointing out the critical posture of affairs, and the necessity of......
The " W. R. Lindsay," An Iron Ship Of 1100
tons burden, the first of a line intended for the Australian emigration, was launched at Newcastle- upon-Tyne on Thursday afternoon. She belongs to Mr. Lindsay ; and after the......
The Medals, Certificates, And Jurors' Reports Of The...
were yesterday publicly distributed to the exhibitors of the City of Lon- don ; Baron Lionel de Rothschild presiding. Mr. William Dargan, one of the great contractors produced......
Mgr Court Of Police.
Policeman Times 21,235 brings Joseph Warner Henley before the bar of Public Opinion, for not being able to give an account of himself or his con- nexions. Henley had been trying......
Cold Weather Setting In, The Cholera In The Baltic...
Polish Prussia, and Berlin, has somewhat abated. The latest accounts state that there were only five new cases at Posen on the 25th; that the epi- demic had ceased at Buk ; and......
Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRIDAY APTERNOON. The transactions in the English Funds have been unimportant, and the fluctuations in price quite insignificant. This calm is not surprisiug,......