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The new Sheriffs of London and Middlesex, Mr. Alderman Carter and Mr. Augustus Croll, were sworn in on Thursday. In the evening the u sual dinner was given at the London Tavern ; and among the guests was Sir Fitzroy Kelly ; but there was no political speaking. The only incident which enlivened the proceedings was a speech from Mr. Duncan Dunbar, the shipowner, whose name was coupled with the " mercantile marine." Mr. Dunbar said some sprightly things in the face of the So- licitor-General-
"A commission was sitting at the other end of the town to consider how they ought to man the Navy ; but the only way they could man the Navy was by supporting the mercantile marine. But how were they supporting the mercantile marine? He did not want to introduce politics into the com- pany, but when he saw the Government sending beautiful fellows from Suf- talk—the very bone and muscle of the country—away to Australia, under the Dutch and the Bremen flag, he thought himself degraded, by —(Great laughter.) They must excuse him if his feelings got the better of him, but when he saw emigrants sent out under the foreign flag for a paltry saving of 7e. 6d. per head, he wanted to know what security there was that the fo- reigners would not some fine morning put them all ov. rboard. Perhaps some people might think he was vexed about losing the contract. He dis- carded such an idea—he did not care one [damn ?] about it; but he thought, if men were to be sent out of the country, at any rate they ought not to be sent under a foreign flag." (Loud cheers.)
The statement published last week, that there was a difficulty in ob- taining men for the City of London Militia, has been flatly contradicted by Mr. Childs, the surgeon of the force. He informed the Lord Mayor, on Saturday, that up to that day 550 of the 600 volunteers required had been attested, and that plenty more could be had. The great induce- ment for the enlistment of men in the City of London Militia was, that every militiamen' in that corps becomes what is termed a "King's free- man," and thereby becomes entitled to trade within the City.
The Tower Hamlets will have to raise two regiments of 721 men each. For the second regiment, the Thames Police Magistrate has already sworn in no.
A batch of volunteers for the Militia were sworn in before the Ham- mersmith Magistrate on Saturday : up to that day the number of volun- teers for the county force was 410, and it is expected the full quota will easily be made up.
Emigration has had its effect on the fortunes of the London shopmen. A meeting of the Early Closing Association was held on Tuesday ; and, according to the secretary, the men are now free agents : wages had risen ; their demands for early closing had been widely listened to ; and a probable meeting of employers was announced. The Association had a balance of 5001. at the bank.
At a special Vestry meeting of the parishioners of Clerkenwell, on Mon- day evening, a resolution to establish parish baths and washhouses was carried with only one dissentient in an assembly of about 140 persons.
After a long investigation before the City Police Committee, on Saturday, Messrs. Travers and Co. the wholesale tea-dealers of St. Swithin's Lane and Cannon Street, were fined 40s. for obstructing the public way : notice of ap- peal to the Sessions was given, and a friendly arrangement was made to have the question nettled there. It seems that a great number of carts and vans arrive and depart from the warehouses daily ; though great exertions are made to prevent a congestion in the streets, at times vehicles are kept waiting, thus obstructing the road-way. The firm declare that they oannot avoid this, strive as they will; they must either be allowed a little latitude, or they must close their establishment in St. Swithin's Laue and seek a more convenient locality. Their counsel urged, that the merchants of Lon- don must be permitted some facilities for carrying on their business; if the streets aro not wide enough, make them wider. The Aldermen did not doubt that Messrs. Travers strove to prevent inconvenience ; but there was a law against obstructing the streets, and it must be enforced.
Hugh Cavendish Coleman, who was charged with making a false declara- tion Wore a notary public, by which he had fraudulently raised money, was brought up for reexamination at the Mansionhouse on Monday. His mother, Margaret Coleman, was also in custody, the two being now charged with conspiring to defraud : the allegation being, that she had made a false de- claration that her son had never encumbered the property in which he had a reversionary interest. It was stated to Alderman Sr Robert Carden that two witnesses against the prisoners were not present; it was believed that they were intentionally absent. Sir Robert Carden said, warrants should be issued to compel them to attend if necessary. An officer of Police announced had been victimizing tradesmen ; and a tailor immediately Imam, calling himself Cavendish, had ordered and received a , for which he had not paid. The officer remarked, that no arges of the kind would be made : the two prisoners had or- of plate with their crest to be engraved on it. The accused Sir Robert Carden distributed, on Saturday, the money subscribed for the victims of Tripe and Montague. The Alderman received a letter from the Colonial Land and Emigration Commissioners, in answer to one he had sent to them, announcing that they will assist the poor men in obtaining pas. sages to Australia if their qualifications will warrant the Commissioners in thus applying their fund.: the men were to fill up papers with the usual particulars. A woman named Jones has been killed in a way to raise a very serious charge against a lady. Mrs. Susan keel, of Culford Road, Islington, had diseharged a daughter of Jones's from her service ; Mrs. Jones and another woman, Ellen Williams, went to Mrs. Real's house ; they had been drink.. ing, and a squabble arose; Mrs. Real shut the street-door upon them ; Mrs. Jones either fell or was pushed into an area, and was fa tallyhurt. Williams Ueclares that Mrs. Real pushed the woman; but the lady asserts that she fell from drunkenness. The matter is under judicial investigation. There has been a desperate conflict between a constable and a burglar at Highgate. Policeman 233 S met a man on Saturday night who had a gun under his arm and a bundle ; the officer suspected him, and desired him to go to the Police-station ; the man refused, and tried to make off. The Po- liceman seized him, and a fight ensued ; fortunately, the constable pulled away the gun. During the struggle, the robber attempted to " gouge " out his opponent's eyes ; but the constable got out his staff, beat him on the arm and head, and overpowered him. Soon after this, assistance came; when it was found necessary to convey the vanquished to the hospital, while the Policeman was placed under the care of the divisional surgeon. It was soon ascertained that the gun and the contents of the bundle had been stolen from a gentleman's house at Highgate, that evening : the gun was loaded with heavy shot. The prisoner calls himself Charles Johnson, and says he is from Manohester : he is supposed to be one of the "Northern banditti," a gang of burglars now broken up. Cases of attempted suicide have been brought before the Worship Street Magistrate in extraordinary, numbers of late. The surgeons at the hospitals have much extra work and anxiety cast upon them by these attempts at self-destruction • and one gentleman has publicly complained to the Magis- trate of the facilities and temptation offered to poor creatures suicidally dis- posed, by the readiness with which poisons can be purchased,—the dealers selling dangerous drugs and mineral poisonswithout any proper inquiry as to the purpose for which they are required.
Two well-dressed young men have been charged at Marylebone Police Office with drunkenness and injuring a badger in the Zoological Gardens by giving it gin. They went to the gardens drunk, and managed to throw gin into the mouths of several animals. It did not appear that the animals eel. fered from the trick, or that the men intended to hurt them : so the Ma- gistrate merely fined one of the young men for drunkenness, and the other for assaulting a Policeman when taken into custody.
Very early on Monday morning, the back portion of two houses in Seven Dials fell down : one of the houses was in Great St. Andrew Street, the other in Queen Street, the premises joining at the back. The house in Queen Street was a cheap lodging-house, the other was occupied by an oilman ; in the latter there were five persons, but the lodging-house seems to have con- tained a much larger number. Immediate efforts were made to extricate the people. Some were taken out little hurt, but six had suffered severely: Mrs. Levy, wife of the oilman, and a man named Holmes, were thought to be in danger. The premises were very old and ruinous.
The Coroner's Jury that sat upon the body of Mr. Parsons, the expositor at Burford's Panorama, who was run over by one of Elliott's drays, having returned a verdict of ` Accidental death," the Marylebone Magistrate has liberated the drayman, who had been in custody on a charge of manslaugh- ter. Messrs Elliott and Co. have behaved very liberally in presenting a sum of money for the use of the widow and her children.
A fine young man has been drowned at Putney Bridge, by the upsetting of a boat : his three companions could swim, and they managed to right the boat and get ashore. The boat was what is called an " out-rigger.'
Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas, a milliner, has been killed by an accident at the Sydenham station. She had just alighted from a train; from some cause unknown, she staggered towards the train, which at that moment was set in motion; and her dress having been caught by the steps of one of the car- riages, she was in a moment whirled beneath ; and before the train could be stopped, no fewer than four carriages had passed over her body.
The two maiden ladies in Marylebone, who resolved to starve themselves to death rather than apply for parish-relief, have been pronounced insane; and they will be placed in an asylum, when sufficiently strong in bodily health to allow of their removal from the Workhouse Infirmary.
The inquest on the Honourable Major Forester was resumed and concluded on Tuesday. One of the witnesses was Lady Maria Forester the widow of the deceased ; attended by her father, the Earl of Roden, and her sister, the Countess of Gainsborough. Lady Forester gave her evidence with intense suffering: before she could reply to the queries of the Coroner, she wept bit- terly; and her replies were half-stifled sobs. The scene was most painful and affecting, and moved several of the Jury to tears.
The evidence of the medical men who prescribed for and attended the deceased, of the chemist who analyzed the contents of the viscera and the blood, and of the surgeons who made a post-mortem examination, with the opinions of others who heard the evidence, left the matter in a very dubious state. There was no doubt that the deceased had taken a large quantity of opium into his system, by using more of the medi- cines prescribed than the surgeon had directed him to use, and some witnesses ascribed his death to this; but others explained it differently. Major Forester had suffered from a disease for years, and persons had been known to die suddenly from that disease, with an exhibition of symptoms similar to those observed in this case : the opium might have aided the force of the disease: the case was " very ambiguous." The Jury were swayed by the first opinion, and by the fact of the large quantity of opium known to have been taken, and found this verdict—" That the deceased died from the effects of opium incautiously administered by himself, in the absence of written instructions from his medical attendant." [Dr. Dawson, who prescribed the medicine, ex- plained in his evidence that he did not give written instructions because the deceased was averse to have them ; and the Major had been so long in the habit of taking the medicines, that Dr. Dawson thought there was no real neces- sity to write directions.]