Rumania declared war on Austria-Hungary on Sunday evening last, and
on Monday it was announced that Germany had declared war on Rumania. The reasons for Rumania's action, given in a written statement presented by the Rumanian Minister in Vienna,
are : (1) The war of aggression declared by Germany and Austria- Hungary, which broke up the Triple Alliance by obliging Italy to withdraw from it. (2) The persecution and oppressive treatment of Rumanian subjects in Allustria-Huegary, who have been-sacrificed by rulers powerless to defend them. (3) Rumania's belief-that by her intervention she will: shorten the durationof the world-war. (4) Her desire to side with those Powers which can most effectively assist her to realize her national ideal. It is stated that a final effort was made by the German Minister in Bucharest, who waited on the King and appealed to his nationality, his kinship with the Hohenzollern, and the memory of the late King CaroL The King replied that he was merely the first citizen of Rumania and would do what the nation decided. A Crown Council, to which the King had invited all the former Ministers, Presidents of both Houses, and leaders of the Parliamentary groups, was then held and war against Austria- Hungary decided on.