[to The Editou Or The " Spectator. "]
Sin, With reference -to-" A Country Parson's " letter in the Spectator of August 19th, it may interest him and others to know that it is proposed to get, if possible, photos of......
Bunyan And The Bible.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") have heard a School Board member in Aberdeen quote Scripture, not Wesley, to the effect that cleanliness is next to godliness, and now I......
Memorials To The Fallen.
[TO THE EDITOR Of THE " SPECTATOR. "] Sm,—May I bring to your readers' notice a form of memorial which has for some months been in use in Somerset ? It was felt that something......
A Soldier's Letter.
ere THE EDITOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR. " ] Sra,—The following extracts from a letter written by Major 5— two days before he was killed while storming the enemy's trenches may be of......
British Soldiers' Graves In France. It° Seta Editor Op The
" SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—Mr. James's letter under this heading in your issue of August 12th is most touching, and no doubt many further instanoes will be forth- coming of the......
Wellington And Kitchener.
[TO TEl EDITOR OF TER " SPEOTATOR.”1 Sra,—In a letter headed " Save or Serve the State "' which appeared in your issue of July 8th there occur the following words : " I have......
Germany And "the Next Great War."
MU THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR "] .Sre,—In an interview by a correspondent of the New York Times with the German Commander-in-Chief on the Somme; which appeared in the Daily......
The Salute.,
[To um EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR:I STE,—I do not know who wrote these verses, but they were given to his wife by one whom I was proud to call my son-in-law, and who went down with......