MU THE EDITOR or THE " SPECTATOR"] .Sre,—In an interview by a correspondent of the New York Times with the German Commander-in-Chief on the Somme; which appeared in the Daily Mail of August 19th, there is quoted what I venture to con- sider one of the most significant recent utterances on the war that we have had from the other side. Says the correspondent : " He next adverted to the favourite topic of all Germane—the next great war." And the developments it might be expected to exhibit. Signifloant truly, both in revealing the latent German consciousness that, in spite of their boasting, they no longer expect to win this war, and as showing what we may expect if at the end of it we impose such terms of peace as will allow Germany to make a rapid economic recovery. It is a reflection that should give pause to those who, from whatever motive. weer -cease to reiterate that the sooner Germany is rehabilitated economically the bettor it must necessarily be for the rest of the world.—I am, Sir, dec.,