India And Its Faiths. By J. B. Pratt. (constable And
Co. 12s. 6d net.)—Professor Pratt, who holds a Chair of Philosophy in a New Eng- land College, spent a year in India before the war, and studied the many religions which he......
Shakespeare's Theater. By Ashley H. Thorndike. (macmillan...
6d. net.)—Professor Thorndike does not pretend to have discovered new facts, but, taking a comprehensive survey of those already known, claims to present " within the compass of......
A Caravan Afloat. By C. J. Aubertin. (sinapkin, Marshall,...
Co- 3s. (3d. net.)—In this entertaining book Mr. Aubertin describes his adventures in a barge fitted' up as a houseboat on the English canals. Only those who love the strenuous......
A New Pocket Dictionary Of The English And Russian...
By J. H. Freese, ALA. (Began Paul, Trench, and Co. 5s. net.)—This cheap, well-printed, and compendious Russian-English dictionary— soon to be completed, we trust, in a second......
Serbian-english And English-serbian Pocket Dictionary. By...
Trench, and Co. 2s. 6d. net.)—This handy little vocabulary will be very useful to our Salonika forces and to the increasing number of people at home who would like to know more......
London Street Games. By Norman Douglas. (st. Catherine...
net.)—This " breathless catalogue," as the author calls it, enumerates " about a thousand of the outdoor games they play down our way " somewhere in the wilderness of London......
Life Saving In War Time. By Mabel Palmer, M.a. (c.
Arthur Pearson. Is. net.)—In view of the terrible wastage of life in war and the necessity of making good this wastage in the future, the facts and figures as to infant......