A Caravan Afloat. By C. J. Aubertin. (Sinapkin, Marshall, and
Co- 3s. (3d. net.)—In this entertaining book Mr. Aubertin describes his adventures in a barge fitted' up as a houseboat on the English canals. Only those who love the strenuous life will attempt the voyage by canal from Cheshire to Caversham, which he describes with much humour. Our canals are too hopelessly disorganized to attract much pleasure traffic. But the owner of this novel " caravan " has had his com- pensations in seeing much delightful country from a now point of view, and in discovering .that the bargee is not at all a bad follow. Mr. Aubertin exposes some of the amazing absurdities of our canal system. It seems to be no one's business to do anything for the canals, and Commissions report in vain.