" Bury Or Burn."
[To nue EDITOR or ass " Srseriros.."1 reference to your article on " Bury or Burn " in last Saturday's Spectator, the great difficulty seems to be in getting people to see for......
[to Ram Editor Or Ma "brzareroa."1
am sure every one who lives near any beauty spot of Nature open to the public will be grateful for your admirable article, " Bury or Burn." I live near a beautiful and ancient......
The " Moral " Aspect Of Tariff Reform.
[To THE EDITOR 07 " SPECTATOR.") Sra,—In your review of Mr. Arthur Baumann's book in the issue of August 19th you say: " He remarks that if the Tariff Reformers had ever......
The Volunteers.
[TO THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.1 Sm,—Much public labour is in vain, and rarely do those who initiate see their trees bear fruit. But the Central Association Volunteer......