2 SEPTEMBER 1916, page 19


MR. WILDRIDGE OF THE BANK.t READERS of Mr. Lynn Doyle's high-spirited chronicles of Ballygullion- his first essay in fiction—will turn with good hopes of cheerful • The......

The Patriotic Poetry Of William Wordsworth.* Here Is A...

little book of great poetry, expressing love of England and belief in her power to face the worst troubles that ever threatened her before this war began, and marked by the calm......

The Individuality Of St. Paul.*

IT is always tempting to speculate about the possibility of finding literary treasure. Will a fifth Gospel ever come to light ? A far lesser boon would be a volume of St. Paul's......

Origins Of " Forty-1

Tan Scottish History Society has done invaluable service to the study of the original documents on which Scottish history rests by the publica- tion of the seventy-odd- volumes......